Please fill out the questionnaire below carefully for the best estimation of your health situation.
Before you submit the questionnaire, you need to fill out a Heshoutang Member ID, if you do not have one, please check Heshoutang Members List.
Heshoutang Experts will make the health plan according to Heshoutang Natural Health System which has been proved to be effective and safe.
Heshoutang Natural Health System will target most health issues to offer individualization health plan for every one.
We will offer advice or a plan within 24 hours since you submitted the form.(Note: Your correct email address or phone is required.)

Personal Information

Please check the boxes below relevant to your symptoms:

Spleen & Stomach(SS):

Lung & Large Intestine(LL)

Kidney & Bladder(KB)

Liver & Gall bladder(LG)

Heart & Small Intestine(HS)

For women only

Other problems


Please enter the code below

  • Heshoutang does not diagnose or prescribe, nor is it our purpose to replace the services of your doctor or traditional medicine. We offer information along with our products and suggested wellness programs to those who are willing to share responsibility for their own health with their physicians. In the event our client uses this information, and goes off their prescriptions without the approval of a physician, he/she assumes full responsibility for it.
  • It should not be misconstrued to mean, imply, or indicate that the products or programs described cure anything, as no such claims are made. ONLY THE BODY CAN HEAL ITSELF, so the dietary supplements are not offered as a cure, but rather as aids to the body in re-establishing normal functions. The body is very complex, and providing a clean diet and one hundred percent nutrition can optimize one’s health. Results may vary.
  • If your doctor indicates that dietary supplement is not important and attempts to treat you with drugs only, we suggest you obtain a second opinion from a diet conscious physician who is more aware of natural methods of biological medicine, because - after all – it is your health!
//CARGAR DATA EN UN DROPDOWNLIST JOOMLA // Get a db connection. $db = JFactory::getDbo(); // Create a new query object. $query = $db->getQuery(true); // Select all records from the user profile table where key begins with "custom.". // Order it by the ordering field. $query->select($db->quoteName(array('CodigoPais', 'Pais'))); $query->from($db->quoteName('l3vtz_Country')); // Reset the query using our newly populated query object. $db->setQuery($query); // Load the results as a list of stdClass objects (see later for more options on retrieving data). $results = $db->loadObjectList(); var imprimir = ""; for (var i=0; i<$results.length; i++){ imprimir += ""; } $("#country").html(imprimir);
Data Array
    [chronoform] => patient_form_v5
    [Itemid] => 211
Debug Info

Start your individualized assessment

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